Unify Support Plans

Support Contacts2333
Call Back Times4 hours2 hours2 hours2 hours
24 Hour SupportNot AvailableAvailableAvailableAvailable
Monthly ReportsNot AvailableAvailableAvailableAvailable
Performance AnalysisNot AvailableNot AvailableNot AvailableAvailable
Application CertificationNot AvailableNot AvailableNot AvailableAvailable
Performance AnalysisNot AvailableNot AvailableNot AvailableAvailable

Our Level I Support plan is designed for the needs of an end-user site, production site, or for those who are not doing active development on multiple platforms. All calls are assigned to the next available engineer, who will work with you to resolve any problems as quickly as possible.

Level II Support is a comprehensive support level for customers with active development on multiple platforms and/or databases. An engineer will be assigned to your account to work with you in resolving your questions and problems.

VISION Support is designed for our customers who are working with the VISION product. It provides a comprehensive level of support for development and deployment of your application on a wide variety of platforms. An engineer will be assigned to your account to work with you to make sure that your projects are successful.

VAR Support is designed to provide resellers with additional development assistance to ensure smooth and successful application deployment. An engineer is assigned to your account to work with you to resolve any development or deployment problems.